North Shore Schools
Devonport School
Skill Level
- Level 1 - Non confident beginner
- Level 2 - Confident Beginner
- Level 3 - Stroking / Beginner Breather
- Level 4 - Advanced Breather
- Level 5 - Timing and Technique
- Level 6 - Mini Squad
- Skills developed
- Water confidence
- Floating with floatation aids
- Propultion with floatation aids
- Climb out of pool unassisted
- Submerging
- Breathe control
- Signal for help
- Floating – front, side, mushroom, back
- Underwater skills – opening eyes, Sitting on bottom, swimming under water
- Sculling skills - basic
- Kicking – free, back, breast
- Stroking - free with a board
- Horizontal rotations (turning from front to back)
- Streamline glides
- Reach rescue
- Swim 5m unassisted
- Sculling skills - advanced
- Develop stronger kicking – free, back, breast, side-fish
- Stroking, free, back, survival back
- Kicking in side position/breathing position (side fish) with and without a board
- Whole stroke – survival back
- Streamlines – underwater
- Vertical rotation - forward rolls etc
- Throw rescue
- Swim 15m – 50m unassisted
- Advanced freestyle breathing drills
- Body rotation drills
- Advanced stroking – bent arm propulsive phase – free and back
- Streamline back
- Distance per stroke drills – free, back, breast
- Swim 25m-100m unassisted
- Whole strokes – breaststroke, freestyle, backstroke
- Working on timing and technique
- Introduce side-stroke
- Butterfly – basic
- Treading water
- Swim 50-200m unassisted
- Water-safety sequence
- Survival strokes – survival back, side-stroke – defensive positions, tows
- Freestyle - technique
- Backstroke – technique
- Breaststroke – technique
- Butterfly timing
- Turns/starts
- Swim 200m+ unassisted
Our lessons cater for all abilities from complete beginners (4yrs+) up to squad classes for confident swimmers needing techniques and fitness.
Swimming & Water Safety in Schools
New Zealand is a Country surrounded by Coastlines. Bringing awareness of swimming & water safety to all children is a must.
The skillz4life swimming programs main focus is assisting kids to learn to swim. It also works towards achieving physical education and health curriculum objectives. Teaching the knowledge, understanding, skills and attitudes needed to educate and enhance personal health and physical development. Programs include specialized skilled instruction, using fully qualified teachers at all times. All students will benefit and all students can participate regardless of their swimming ability. Also this Programme is a win win situation for parents, teachers & most of all students. Children being taught during the day at School so parents don't have to worry about rushing or waiting on waiting lists at swim schools. A lot less money to pay, students get qualified swim, water safety teachers to teach, this also takes the strain off the school teachers, all students are assessed and put into the appropriate level for us to get the best out of each individual.