Our son has significant sensory issues associated with his ASD. One being that he finds cold water very difficult. For the past three years, his school have received the ten swimming lessons from Skillz4Life. At first, we had a struggle getting him into the water as the pool is outside and unheated. He would have meltdowns, refuse to get in and take up to 20 minutes to slowly get himself into the water. I explained the situation to Jackie at the very first lesson and she was very understanding. Jackie and her instructors have been patient, supportive and have done their best to make him feel comfortable. Now he only takes five minutes to get used to the water and participates fully in Skillz4Life’s lessons. Jackie and your team, a huge thank you for being so amazing and supportive towards his special needs. Life is hard with a special needs child and your help and understanding made things much easier.


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The skillz4life swimming programs main focus is assisting kids to learn to swim. It also works towards achieving physical education and health curriculum objectives.

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